is an award-winning director, actor and producer.

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Acting credits include Accused (Fox/Sony), Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (CBS), Luckiest Girl Alive (Netflix) with upcoming supporting roles in: Settle Down (OutTV) Fat Lady Srircha (Film), Circuit Breakers (Apple TV+) & a recurring role on The Pradeeps of Pitssburgh (Amazon). She’s also worked on Orphan Black: Echoes (AMC), Mrs. America (FX), The Kennedys (History), Reign (CW), Lost Girl, Bitten (Syfy), Copper (BBC America) among others.

As a film director, With You Always, had its world premiere in Toronto, its US debut in California and has since been acquired by numerous online platforms. Rive, won Best Foreign Drama in Atlanta, premiered at the Art Gallery of Ontario is now playing on the NSI site. Her first film creation, Now & Then, was featured in The New York Times. She’s also directed documentary shorts for TVO’s Get Involved!

For theatre, Angela has directed 13 plays (7 original works) to rave reviews. Most recent: Evermore Theatre’s debut production of Sarah Burgess’ Dry Powder starring Rebecca Liddiard, Peter Keleghan & Chrisef Desir.

In 2018, she launched The Lighthouse Acting Studio, coaching On-Camera and Scene Study classes in Toronto. She has been coaching actors privately for over 10 years through her first studio - Inside Light.


Razor sharp performances and direction of Evermore Theatre’s DRY POWDER . The actors, under director Angela Besharah, handle the biz speak with clarity and commitment. Besharah is especially good at getting the actors to physicalize their performances..
— Glenn Sumi, Now Magazine
Jenny Seth Rick Going to lie down  copy 2.jpg
The primary reason to check out Besharah’s production is Liddiard’s go-for-broke performance: she commits, boy does she ever.. Besharah & Liddiard push the portrayal of Jenny daringly but successfully towards slapstick..
— Karen Fricker, The Toronto Star
... a subtle stroke of genius.
— Sailor's Song, Mooney on Theatre
This is the kind of show you walk away from and marvel at the sheer talent in the indie theatre scene in Toronto.
— Echoes, Mooney on Theatre
The Bear floored me. I’m not sure I ever stopped laughing. Consider my appreciation for Chekhov renewed!
— The Bear, Mooney on Theatre
.. director Angela Besharah has drawn searingly intense, committed performances from [her actors].. their performances are so painfully real and so vividly disturbing..
— Echoes, Christopher Hoile, Stage Door
You can’t help feeling like you are seeing the future of theatre.
— The Keeper's Secret, Eye Magazine


On-Camera & Scene Study Classes


Private Coaching & Audition Tapes

Production Stills




Press > 'Come From Away' Cast Member Jack Noseworthy Gives His American Take On Toronto ~ "My go-to Toronto acting teacher and coach is Angela Besharah at The Lighthouse Acting Studio. She really is Toronto’s best-kept secret!

Press > Angela in Alignment ~ After such an intimate and FUN! experience, I was hooked on Ange and her directorial style.


Noble Caplan Abrams / 416.920.5385

ACTING : Michael A. Marino

VOICE : James Crammond

COMMERICAL: Rick Gerrits